Ahmedabad: In an unusual case, a man in his forties eloped with a 19-year-old neighbour girl. The case came to light after the family of the girl approached the High Court of Gujarat claiming that the man, Shovanji Thakor might have abducted the teenager.
Petition in High Court
The family that belongs to Sidhpur Taluka, Patan District filed a petition in High Court after their FIR against the man fetched no result.
During the hearing that took place on 22nd June, the petitioner urged the HC to direct police to produce the girl before the court.
Narrating the sequence of events, the lawyer of the petitioner informed that the girl disappeared on 2nd June. When the family members approached the police, cops registered a missing complaint.
Accused person has grandchildren
It was also disclosed to the court that Thakur is not only a married person but his elder daughter has child too.
When the family members expressed apprehension that the girl can land in danger, the court directed cops to produce her before it on 29th June.
Later, the court asked cops to produce girl on 13th July when they sought time to search her.