A 20-year-old man named Ankit Goswami was arrested by the Juhu police on Tuesday for allegedly trespassing actor Akshay Kumar’s bungalow. Goswami claims that he is a fan of Akshay Kumar, he hails from Datauli in Sonipat, Haryana.
He travelled to Mumbai to meet the actor but the security guards outside Kumar’s residence denied him entry following which he jumped over the boundary wall to get inside.
The police officer stated that “He climbed the wall at 1.30am and entered. He was spotted by the guards, who got a hold of him and alerted the police.”
Deputy Commissioner of Police Paramjit Singh Dahiya said that the Juhu Police questioned him and arrested him Tuesday. He found the actor’s address through Google search.
Another police officer stated that “We interrogated him and he told us he is a fan of the actor. He also said that he wants to work in Bollywood.” They added that he did not have any other purpose in trespassing Kumar’s bungalow.
He was charged under IPC for trespassing and is now in judicial custody.