Hitting out at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for her comments against BJP today, the party’s national secretary Siddharth Nath Singh alleged her appeasement politics has gradually turned Bengal into a Jehadi hub.
“Mamata Banerjee should introspect before raising her finger at BJP on communal politics and corruption. Under her rule Imams were to be given monthly salary, a minority hospital was to be set up in Diamond Harbour and the heinous crime of rape of a nun (at Ranaghat) given communal colour. All her actions smacks of communal agenda,” Singh told PTI.
“In fact due to TMC’s appeasement politics the state is gradually turning into a Jehadi Hub,” he alleged.
Countering Banerjee’s corruption charges, he said “Under her nose 17 lakh poor people have been robbed of their hard earned money due to scams by chit fund companies. There was the trident lamps scam and many more.”
In an obvious reference to BJP, which in recent months has been facing flak over Lalitgate and Vyapam scam, Banerjee while addressing a rally here during the day said those who were themselves involved in corruption should not lecture TMC on it.
“They who themselves indulge in corruption and communalism should not try to give us advice on corruption. TMC will never bow its heads before BJP,” she said.
TMC, she said, will give a befitting reply to those trying to spread “communal poison” in the state.