New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday launched a frontal attack on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the state government’s move to block entry to party’s fact-finding team in violence-hit violence-hit Kaliachak in Malda district.
“As far as the state government is concerned, it said that normalcy has prevailed in the area and hence have dismissed Section 144. We went there on the fourth day after the Section was dismissed. We demanded that we should be allowed to meet the members of ‘Shanti Samiti’, which includes people from all communities, to discuss the problems there,” BJP leader Bhupender Yadav told ANI here.
“The government did not allow us to take steps towards building confidence of the civil society. The way they are trying to suppress the whole issue shows that they are suppressing their inefficiencies in tackling the matter,” he added.
Yadav further said the Malda violence shows the failure of administration, justice, law and order in the state.The BJP leader also demanded an explanation from the West Bengal Government on the entire episode in Malda.
“The state government till date could not say why so many people assembled and set the police station and its record room on fire. Local newspapers there have said that there are issues of fake currency and drug dealing in that area as that is a border area. So, the question now arises whether this fire was to burn those records or not,” he said.
The fact-finding teams of the BJP and CPI (M) were yesterday denied permission to visit violence-hit Kaliachak by the authorities.A fact-finding team of BJP MPs Bhupendra Yadav, Ram Vilas Vedanti and SS Ahluwalia was turned back from the railway station itself.West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had earlier said that the recent violence in Malda district was not a communal strife.
The TMC supremo’s assertion came against the backdrop of the violence that broke out at Kaliachak, which had prompted the Union Home Ministry to seek a report from the state government.