Kolkata: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday said their target was Delhi and the Red Fort. Strongly criticizing the central government, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerji has announced ‘Delhi Chalo’ movement. Addressing a public meeting in Purulia district, Chief Minister Mamata Banerji asked BJP to stop dreaming 2019 victory. “Some are saying that the BJP’s next target is Bengal. But for the sake of the country we have set our target on Delhi, on Lal Quila (Red Fort),” said Mamata. Hence we have announced ‘Delhi Chalo’ she added.
It must be recalled that after BJP’s victory in Tripura national spokesman of Trinamool Congress Derek O’Brien had said that on August 15, 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address from Lal Qila for the last time.
Commenting upon the BJP victory in Tripura and Nagaland, Mamata Banerji said those result will not affect West Bengal and asserted that the BJP will never succeed in efforts to win West Bengal.
Trinamool Congress chief had described the poll outcome in Tripura as CPI-M’s “surrender” and the “failure” of the Congress to agree to an alliance with her party.
She also accused the BJP-led government at the centre of looting the poor people’s money from their bank accounts and “using them to win the elections in Tripura”.
She had to curtail her speech due to heavy showers.