Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday targeted the Union government over the restrictions on cash withdrawals and blamed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for alleged 112 deaths following demonetisation.
“Modi Babu, public are not beggars of your Government. Why are there still restrictions on cash withdrawal ? 50 days are now over. How can you take away the rights of citizens to withdraw their own hard-earned money,” she tweeted.
Modi announced demonetisation of high value currency notes on November 8, and subsequently sought 50 days to put things in order.
“Governments may come into power but they just cannot snatch people’s economic rights,” she said.
The Trinamool Congress supremo slammed Modi for his “arrogance.”
“Modi babu, you are totally arrogant. You are responsible for 112 deaths,” she added.