Hyderabad: The Rachakonda police personnel said, “mother-daughter duo are also suspected to have been involved in brutal killing of the former railway employee who was murdered, segregated his body parts and stuffed them in plastic buckets at their residence in Malkajgiri.”
According to the police officials, the accused, K Suthar Kishan, his mother Ganga and sister Prapulla conspired to murder Maruthi Krishna, 70, on Friday night and tried to hide the body by segregating them into five buckets, which were specially purchased for this purpose.
It was on Sunday morning when the area locals noticed a cluster of flies coming out from one of the windows of Maruthi’s residence, following which the area cops were called. His son Kishan, allegedly killed Maruthi, for not sharing his Railways retirement pension.
“Kishan, the unemployed son of Maruthi had bought seven new buckets to store is fathers chopped remains. Post the murder, the family moved the buckets from the room in the front to one in the rear of the house and used air fresheners and perfumes to battle the smell,” said the police officials.
Speaking to siasat.com, Malkajgiri ACP G. Sundeep said that the daughter and mother are likely to be involved in the crime and the verifications are being done accordingly to confirm.
“The son was unemployed and wanted more allowance from the old man. He killed his father so that the pension money would go to his mother and he would have control over it,” said a police officer with the Malkajgiri Police station. Meanwhile, neighbours and area locals denied media reports that Maruthi was an alcoholic.