Kannur: A leading Malayalam daily ‘Mathrubhumi’ had apologized for reproducing an ‘offensive’ comment about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that was posted on social networking sites which sparked wide protests in Kerala.
The leading daily has issue an apology on its front page Thursday, after several Muslim organisations like Popular Front of India (PFI), Sunni Students Federation (SSF), Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) and others protested outside the newspaper’s offices.
“We understand the comments hurt the sentiments of followers. We apologise deeply for the error,” the newspaper said.
“An error was made and apology was issued. We always carry our apologies on the front page,” an employee at the Kozhikode branch of Matrubhumi told International Business Times, India, but did not wish to elaborate further.
The comment came in response to High Court Justice B Kemal Pasha’s recent statement about polygamy among Muslims and Muslim personal law.
The Malayalam daily had picked up as a response to the judge’s comment, criticized Prophet (PBUH), without naming him, for “marrying six-year-old Aisha”, reported The NewsMinute.
Justice B Kamal Pasha himself drawn sharp reactions following his comments on Sunday by asking why Muslim women could not have four husbands if the men had the privilege of marrying multiple women, (such as in the Hindustan Times).
In September 2015, Dr. M M Basheer, noted Malayalam literacy critic and scholar on the Ramayana had stopped his column about Ramayana “Stories of Rama with Utmost Reverence” in Mathrubhumi following threats from a Hindu extreme group called Hanuman Sena.