New Delhi: After days of hard work and submission on deadlines, all that one requires is a break. This helps in offering perfect rejuvenation to work with further zeal and gusto.
However, with digitisation pervading every nook and corner of the world, even the trips for leisure have also become digital.
We have come a long way when absorbing the beauties of nature and historical monuments were of primary importance. However, today, the situation has changed. It is the obsession with selfies and posting on social media that has dominated the situation.
“Debunk the theory and travel for travel’s sake. Next time you are travelling, reserve some special time for yourself. Contemplate on yourself. Ponder on the question ‘Why are we travelling?’ If you are travelling for yourself, then there is no requirement to upload the photographs instantly on social media. Consider the vacation for soul relaxation. Try to put your electronic gadgets like mobile phones and tablets away for a while,” said Rupali Juneja from Ecstasy Ventures.
Instead, indulge in the more creative activities like sketching, sea gazing, bird watching, hill contemplation, reading, yoga sessions, etc. This will help you in analysing and finding a better view and understanding about yourself.
Travelling trends are gradually undergoing a paradigm shift. There is a change in perspective and people are willing to embrace and accept new locations with their inhabitants. Travellers are mingling with them and also enjoy noting down their personal experiences.
Supriya Aggarwal, Travel Writer and founder of The Humming Notes, said, “Detox Travelling is extremely essential for today’s travelling scenario, owing to the increased pressure of being visible and active on social media round the clock especially for travel writer and bloggers. This has put an extra pressure and often does not allow enjoying travelling in its real sense.”
Agreed, technology is the need of the hour and shunning it completely is not a justified proposition. However, the right and smart inclusion of technology is the apt way to go. While travelling, use technology for the most essential aspects, like for accessing Google maps, answering important calls, etc.
So, make the most of your vacay by saying yes to digital detoxification!