Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao has given a call to the public representatives and officials concerned to make Gajwel Legislative Assembly Constituency as number 1 Model Constituency in the country. “I will take the responsibility of sanctioning the development works and it is your responsibility to implement it for the sake of people,” he said.
The Chief Minister held an extended review meeting on Gajwel Constituency development at Janahita on Monday. Minister T. Harish Rao, MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy, Collector Venkatram Reddy, Joint Collector Hanumanth Rao, CMO Officials Shanti Kumari, Bhoopal Reddy and Smita Sabharwal, MPPs, Sarpanches, ZPTCs, other public representatives and officials from all the departments have participated.
The review took place on drinking water supply under Mission Bhagiratha programme, Power supply, Highways and toilets construction, laying of roads, Public Health, Educational Institutions construction, construction of crematoria, setting up of Veg and non-Veg Markets, Double Bed Room House programme and issues related to the agriculture.
The Chief Minister gave a patient hearing to the issues from the village level raised by the participants and gave solutions to some of them then and there. He also delegated department-wise officers concerned, the responsibility to implement the solutions.
“Under Mission Bhagiratha programme drinking water is supplied to Gajwel Constituency. Every village is getting the water. Water should be supplied to the houses far away from the villages and on higher plains. Every household should get water every day. Whenever there is a problem, solve it immediately. We have constructed sub-stations to supply quality of power to the villages. We have also provided transformers. In case there are, still some problems for the power supply, please attended to them and solve. Conduct Power Day in the Constituency. During the power day attended to the crooked poles and power supply wires. Construct toilet in each household. Ensure that everyone uses the toilet facility. In Gangadevapally village in Warangal district, the villagers have constituted 25 Committee among themselves and taking care of development of the village. Please visit Gangadevapally and study for yourself. Construct crematorium in every village,” the Chief Minister said.
KCR also asked officials to ensure the laying of roads planned by the government is completed on time. He also asked them to plan new roads wherever they are required. (INN)