Major fire in factory at Modi Nagar July 6, 2020 by Minhaj Adnan Ghaziabad: Police personnel inspect the candle-manufacturing factory after a major fire broke out in it, at Modi Nagar in Ghaziabad, Sunday, July 5, 2020. (PTI Photo)(PTI05-07-2020_000177B) Ghaziabad: Ambulance arrives near the candle-manufacturing factory after a major fire broke out in it around 3 pm, at Modi Nagar in Ghaziabad, Sunday, July 5, 2020. (PTI Photo)(PTI05-07-2020_000178B) Ghaziabad: Police personnel inspect the candle-manufacturing factory after a major fire broke out in it, at Modi Nagar in Ghaziabad, Sunday, July 5, 2020. (PTI Photo)(PTI05-07-2020_000172B)