Mahmood Paracha begins survey of waqf properties in Hyderabad

Sara mathews
Sara Mathews

Hyderabad: Eminent lawyer Mahmood Paracha began surveying waqf properties in Hyderabad on Friday. His first visit was to Chilla Moula Ali in Panjagutta, an old shrine that has been encroached upon from all sides. Originally spanning 12,000 square yards, Chilla Moula Ali now has a narrow entrance and is surrounded by illegal constructions.

Mehmood Pracha paid his respects at the shrine and spoke to the Mutawalli, as well as representatives of the Shia community – Agha Alamdar Hussain and Dr. Hyder Hussain. He reviewed the Waqf documents and unequivocally stated that the encroachments, carried out with the connivance of the Waqf Board, were criminal. He further advocated for the establishment of a separate Shia Waqf Board, considering the number of Shia Waqf properties.

Mehmood Pracha’s next stop was Rasoolpura’s Masjid e Ahle Sunnat in Gun Bazar, another waqf property in Hyderabad. This notified waqf property includes Dargah Khaki Shah and a graveyard. It has been in existence for the past 400 years but was officially recognized in the Gazette in 1978. Initially measuring 8,760 square yards, it has now been reduced to 2,500 square yards due to encroachments. The Masjid Committee, led by its Secretary Mohd Lateef Khan, has been vigorously fighting to protect the land, having won 8-9 cases to evict individuals who refuse to acknowledge it as waqf, despite being original tenants.

The state of the dargah is deplorable, with old cars of little to no value dumped within its compound. To Mehmood Pracha and his team’s dismay, these cars have been abandoned on top of graves, in an attempt by a nearby car mechanic to seize the land. Adjacent to this dargah is the encroached Dargah Gareeb Shah.

After reviewing the documents, Mehmood Pracha asserted that a strong case could be built and fought successfully. He repeatedly emphasized that corrupt officials of the Waqf Board would soon face incarceration in Chanchaguda Jail, just as Amanatullah, Chairman of the Delhi Waqf Board, was imprisoned.

Following the survey of waqf properties in Hyderabad, the team proceeded to Makkah Masjid for Friday prayers.