After spending three years in Tihar Jail, co-director of Peepli Live Mahmood Farooqui is returning to theatre. Mahmood Farooqui has breathed life into the extinct art of storytelling in Urdu. He has narrated a number of dastans. This time, he has reinterpreted the Mahabharata as Daastaan-e-Karn.
The act will be staged in Urdu and will be performed by Mahmood. He told that this time we are presenting a dastan which has no parallels. He further informed that the dastan will depict the similar concepts of Geeta and Quran. Though the language is Urdu, however Sanskrit, Hindi, Persian and Arabic have been used wherever needed. Describing it as unique Farooqui said this would be the first time when so many languages have been used in one dastan.
Mahmood told that when he was in jail he got access to the original copy of Mahabharata thus he prepared the dastan. The Dastan will be presented on February 3 and 4 at 7 pm, at the Stein Auditorium at India Habitat Centre in Delhi.
Storytelling was lost in the early 20th century. Although it was revived only a few years ago, Dastangoi, the art of storytelling in Urdu, has attracted a great deal of attention.