New Delhi :Indian auto major Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) on Friday launched the e2o Plus hatchback, thereby expanding its electric vehicle portfolio. The hatchpriced at Rs 5.46 lakh to Rs 8.46 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi).
The company has marked the entry level P2 variant of the vehicle for fleet owners but hasn’t disclosed its price yet. The other variants P4, P6, and P8 are priced at Rs 5.46 lakh, Rs 5.95 lakh and Rs 8.46 lakh respectively.
“As the pioneers in the integrated and electric mobility solutions in India, it has always been our endeavour to make electric vehicles more accessible across segments,” M&M Executive Director Pawan Goenka told reporters here.
The launch of e2o Plus marks the company’s foray into the mass market electric city car segment, he added. The vehicle comes with a range of 140 kms on one single charge and achieves a top speed of 85 kmph.
The company, which has already invested around Rs 600 crore on developing electric technology, already sells three vehicles — e20, eVerito and eSupro.
It is also developing a bigger electric 80 KW powertrain which would be able to run bigger vehicles going forward, Goenka said. M&M president and chief executive (Automotive) Pravin Shah said that the e2o Plus is an amalgamation of advancements in automotive technology, electronics and information technology.
“As a listening organisation, the e2o Plus has been evolved keeping in mind the feedback from our potential customers,” he added. The e2o Plus is primarily meant for city commuting and comes with various features such as easy hone charging, hill assist, reverse camera, charging ports and smartphone connectivity among others.
Since launching its first electric product e20 in March 2013 the company has so far sold around 3,000 units in the country.