Mumbai, April 29: Soni Razdan and Mahesh Bhatt to file a legal suit against MeeraPakistani actress Meera had earlier accused Mahesh Bhatt of slapping her. Changing track, on Tuesday, the girl who landed up at the filmmaker’s office declared that she thought of him not only as her Guru but also her boyfriend- in the presence of Emraan Hashmi, Shagufta Rafique, writer of Raaz and Murder and Sevy Ali.
Standing up for her husband, Bhatt’s wife Soni Razdan has decided to take legal action against the Pakistani actress.
In fact, she is meeting her lawyers to file a defamation suit underlining charges of character assassination. The meeting is slated for 11 am, today.
When contacted, Soni said, “Yes, I am meeting my lawyers to file a legal suit against Meera. This is not the first time Meera has tried to malign my husband. A few years ago she had made bizarre allegations against him in an Urdu daily in Pakistan.”
“I am very angry. You can’t say anything about anybody. Look at the work Mahesh is doing now. It goes far beyond the Meeras and slushy gossip. She needs to behave responsibly, and since she is not doing that, she needs to be taught a lesson,” added Razdan.
“She is dangerous. She needs medication. It is like déjà vu for me. And I speak in the context of the unfortunate illness of Parveen Babi,” said Mahesh Bhatt about the Pakistani actress who was discovered by him in the 2005 film Nazar directed by Razdan.
With actresses trying to malign directors to draw media attention these days, is it fear that pushed the Bhatts into taking legal action? “Not at all,” said Bhatt, adding, “Look, I am not a holy man or a politician who is worried to protect his reputation.
My life is an open book. No Meeras, in fact, nobody can cast aspersions on me. Actually, Meera is a patient. She has an unsound mind. Slander comes from a disturbed mind, doesn’t it?”
When contacted, Meera pleaded, “Why are they doing this to me? How can Mahesh be my boyfriend? I’m only 26. Please tell them not to file a suit. Usse kya hoga?”