By Asif Ali Khan
In the year 1862, an eminent educationist and philanthropist Shri Somasundaram Mudaliar established this school with the name of Anglo Vernacular School. During this period erstwhile Hyderabad state was undergoing education reforms. The 6th Nizam, Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur contributed generously to this school and in the year 1884, the school was renamed Mahbub College High School.
One very important remarkable fact should be taken as an appreciation that several dedicated eminent people have helped this school by funding/ donating towards the construction of many classrooms and hall blocks in the premises, each such block has a dedicated memorial plaque affixed on facades, one such block was constructed by my maternal grandfather “Babu Khan” Saheb, which is demolished now.
On February 13, 1893, Swami Vivekananda addressed a public meeting in the ground of this school and departed to attend the parliament of world religions at Chicago. It was a memorable day and plaques in memory of Swamy Vivekananda are affixed on the walls of the school.
Some students of Mahbub College have excelled in many fields, some of the prominent Alumni are –
Admiral Ramdas Katari, First Naval Chief of India.
M.L. Jaisimha, Former Test cricketer, Indian team.
Anandram, IPS Former Cheif of SIT.
Mohankanda – Triple Olympian.
Shyam Benegal – Film Director.

ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION – Very prominent British influence beautiful entrance gate from Kingsway leads to the sprawling campus, one more gate is inside. The entrance to the main building has a climb of three-way staircase leading the main entrance ” elliptical arch” with a ” keystone” at the apex over and above the roofline there is triangular “pediment” making it a focus of the building with the school logo ” Truth and Service ” on a shield engraved on it.
On either side of the entrance are four ” elliptical ” arches separated” piers” all made of semi-dressed stone masonry and rough jagged edges exposed out.m An open gallery all along connects to the rooms and a big high ceiling auditorium, many portraits hang on the walls of the hall. The school has several blocks within the campus constructed in various periods and styles, colonial to Art Deco.