Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Thursday asked the state agriculture department to set up storage centers and cold storage facilities for all crops.
He gave the direction after inaugurating six facilities for the storage of onion crops under the ‘MahaOnion‘ project.
“Cold storage facilities and storage centers should be set up across the state for all crops,” he said.
He also urged the manufacturing sector to create infrastructure for farmers, especially in rural parts.
The six facilities under the MahaOnion project were set up at Shirur, Junnar, Vaijapur, Sinnar, and Wambori (Ahmednagar district), which can store up to 21 lakh metric tonnes of onion.
The chief minister said that the agriculture and industries departments have come together for the welfare of farmers.
“The endeavor is to ensure farmers get a good price for their product that is more than the minimum guaranteed price,” Thackeray said.
He added that his government was determined to empower farmers.