Mumbai: A day after reports emerged of underworld don Chhota Rajan’s brother Deepak Nikalje contesting the Maharashtra Assembly elections on an RPI ticket, Nikalje’s close aide on Thursday stated that his candidature is still on hold and is awaiting a nod from the party’s alliance partner, BJP.
Although there are less chances of Nikalje getting a ticket, he, however, has been asked to wait by the Ramdas Athawale-led RPI, his aide said on condition of anonymity.
“There is no confirmation about the same from the BJP’s side. BJP had left six seats for RPI to contest. Those are Faltan in Satara district, Shivaji Nagar and Mankhurd in Mumbai, Bhandara, Patharli and Naigaon in Nanded, and Malshiras in Solapur,” the aide said in a statement.
“For the Faltan seat, RPI has proposed Deepak Nikalje as the party’s candidate but BJP has not approved their proposal yet. There are very less chances of him getting a ticket but he has been asked by the RPI to wait and watch,” the aide added.
Maharashtra Assembly elections are slated to be held on October 21. Votes will be counted on October 24.