The five-day Ayutha Maha Chandi Yagam, performed by the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao at Erravalli, concluded on a grand note this evening with Maha Poornahuthi, felicitation to Rithviks, Maha Mangala Harathi, Kalasha Visarjanam, Apabrudha Snanam and Maha Asheervachanam, amidst chanting of vedic hymns by the priests. The Yagam has been conducted for World peace and well-being of all the creatures on the Earth.
KCR and his wife Shoba offered the purnahuthi material in the Homa kundam. 1500 Rithviks performed the rituals. KCR family members, Governor ESL Narasimham and his wife Vimala and large number of visitors witnessed the ritual with devotion and dedication. As today happens to be the last day, nearly one lakh devotees thronged the yagasala and had darshan of the Chandi Matha.
During the five days, lakhs of people visited the event with utmost devotion and took blessings of the Matha and the priests. Anna Prasadam has been arranged on a large scale for all the devotees who visited the Yagam. Women in large numbers performed Lakhs Kumkumarcha and other rituals. Several spiritual Gurus and many VIPs visited the yagam, and expressed satisfaction over the arrangements made for the event. (NSS)