DMK leader M.K.Stalin on Monday accusing the administration in Tamil Nadu’s Madurai district to stalling investigation in the recovery of human skeletons in granite quarries there.
In a statement issued here, Stalin said the state government should remember that its duty is to all the people of the Tamil Nadu and not just to powerful elites within the state.
Referring to the allegations of human sacrifice at granite quarries in Madurai district and the recovery of skeletons from the, he said the district administration has been uncooperative in exhuming operations and thus stalling investigation in the multi-crore scam, noting that the Madras High Court had appointed IAS officer U.Sagayam as a special officer/legal commissioner to inspect various types of mining activities in the state.
Sagayam had earlier estimated the illegal granite mining in Madurai district alone has caused a loss of around Rs.16,000 crore to the state.
During the course of his investigation, a complaint was given to him by a person alleging human sacrifice at the granite quarries.