Madarsa-i-Aliya 150 years celebrations at Nizam Club in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: Madarsa-i-Aliya 150 years celebrations are going to be held at Nizam Club in Hyderabad today. It will begin at 7 pm.

At the event, the chief guest will arrive at 7:30 pm and a welcome address by Syed Khaled Shahbaaz will take place between 7:30 and 7:35 pm.

After it, Aliya’s website will be launched by the chief guest and legends. Felicitation of legends and the Aliya team will be done after the website launch.

Later, Somasekhar Mulugu will announce the setting up of the Aliya Alumni Foundation. Voter of Thank will be taken care of by Syed Abdul Mutakabbir.

The photo session will mark the end of the event. The photos will be published in the Souvenir to make the event memorable.

It may be noted that the new entry to the event is closed.

The celebration will be live telecasted on Siasat’s Facebook page (click here).