LUCKNOW: In an unfortunate incident, a seven-year-old girl was killed at the newly-constructed secretariat – Lok Bhawan – in the state capital on Wednesday when an iron girder fell on her, police said.
The girder was to be used in installation of a gate of the building, which also houses a plush office of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. While Akhilesh Yadav had started operating from this building before his exit as the Chief Minister, his successor Yogi Adityanath, barring the cabinet meetings, operates from the old annexe building.
Deceased Kiran was daughter of a labourer working on the premises for a contractor. The incident remained unnoticed for several hours. But when the girl was not to be seen around even in the evening, her parents started a search, only to find her lying crushed under the heavy iron girder.