Narrated Anas Ibn Malik Radia Allahu Anhu, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “None of you will have faith (Iman) till he wishes for his brother what he likes for himself.” (Bukhari)
This Hadith, amongst many other important Ahadith, has been given great importance by scholars by considering it as a milestone of morality. The Hadith highly emphasizes on the teachings of Islam – love for others what you love for yourself. Even Allah says, “The believers are nothing else than brothers.” (Qur’an, 49:10)
In this Hadith it has been clearly stated that a person should always love for a fellow Muslim what he loves for himself in daily affairs, relations or just the way he prefers to be treated. It’s human nature that one always yearns for the best things in life and always tries to be away from evil and avoid bad circumstances. Everyone loves to be treated with respect and honor and he/she does not like to be mocked or ridiculed, or want anyone to harm his life, dignity and belongings.
Imam Muslim has stated this Hadith to be a part of Iman. It is obligatory for every Muslim to choose goodness for himself in the matter of his religious and worldly affairs. It is better for one to opt for steadfastness in religion and make sure he stays away from embarrassment and insult. A Muslim should feel the same for his fellow companions. If one has knowledge of some part of the religion then he should impart it to others and wish that his brothers also become a part of the goodness that he was blessed with.
It is a sign of faith (Iman) that a person who has guidance and knowledge wishes to impart it to others, so that not only he but others also benefit from it in this world and the Hereafter. He should be happy with others achievements and hope for their development and be a sharer of their grief. Even a few words of kindness go a long way.
Some people have hatred and malice in their hearts and rejoice when their fellow beings and neighbors are in a state of misery. They wish evil for them, and they do not know that such a thing can happen to themselves as well. Iman commands us not to harm anyone in any way and neither desire any ill for anyone.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had the quality of wishing well for others along with his own self. His companions also followed his path diligently, and they loved for others what they loved for themselves.
This Hadith teaches us good behavior and instills in us feelings of love and compassion, integral behavioral ingredients which will help nurture a good society. If every Muslim adopts this teaching, most problems between people would be resolved. Malice, jealousy, backbiting, revenge and a host of other social evils will be eliminated. Love and brotherhood will prevail. We Muslims should strive toward it by making Dua’a to Allah, the Al-Mighty that he instills in us the feelings of the same kind as that of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions.