Looking for online halal meat in Hyderabad? Here is list of vendors

Hyderabad: Following the halal row in Karnataka, where Muslim meat sellers were beaten up for selling halal meat instead of jhatka, Siasat.com has contacted a bunch of meat outlets to earmark which outlets in the city sell halal meat.

Halal is not just meat. In Islamic law, it pertains to ritual slaughter and abstention from certain items like pork, blood, and alcohol.

“All our meat is 100% halal certificate. We do not provide Jataka meat,” said the owner of Mayuri Farm Fresh Chicken Outlet.

The owner’s views are echoed by other meat vendors in the city that provide online delivery either through Swiggy Instamart or directly.

Online Vendors that offer Halal meat in Hyderabad:

Apart from these Siasat.com reached out to vendors that provide halal meat directly. Some of them are Mastaan Chicken, Everyday Meat and TenderCuts provide halal meat.

When asked whether any of the above vendors provide Jhatkaa meat, the answer was negative.