Looking for jobs in Middle East? Aviation sector to hire 78K cabin crew, 28K pilots

If you are looking for a job in the aviation sector in the Middle East, there’s an opportunity for you.

Middle East aviation industry is expected to hire 28,000 pilots, 78,000 cabin crew, 22,000 commercial aircraft maintenance technicians in the next ten years.

Canadian aviation training firm CAE has published its 2023 Aviation Talent Forecast, which says airlines will need extensive recruitment until 2032 to fill vacancies arising from retirements, replacements and expansion of the industry.

CAE estimates that the global aviation industry will need a further 1.3 million professionals over the next decade.

The report also highlights a projected 45 percent growth in the demand for cabin crew globally, with the total number of active cabin crew expected to reach 779,000 by 2032.

In addition to the commercial sector, the business aviation industry requires nearly 1,000 new workers by 2032, of which 450 will be pilots, according to CAE.

The report acknowledges the pandemic’s impact on the aviation industry, highlighting ongoing recovery and positive growth in civil aircraft fleets.

Despite the challenges, CAE is optimistic that the industry will recover and expects to soon maintain pre-pandemic levels.