New Delhi: The Lok Sabha on Thursday unanimously passed the Constitution 123rd Amendment Bill, 2017 which will grant a constitutional status to the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC).
All the members present in the lower house unanimously voted in favour of the bill with over two-third majority.
Speaking on the same, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh said, “I think that Backward Commission will be granted constitutional status as the bill (The Constitution (123rd Amendment) Bill, 2017) has been passed in Lok Sabha today. It was the commitment of the Prime Minister and he completed it.”
Meanwhile, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor expressed his delight over the unanimous voting in the favour of the bill and said, “We should all be grateful that at least on some issues of the developing the weaker section of our society, the country is united.”
“It was a very good sign today of the unity in the Parliament on important issues reflecting the concerns about the backward section of our society. Today, we have seen every single party in the Lok Sabha unanimous,” he added.
The bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha by the Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Thaawarchand Gehlot on April 5, 2017. (ANI)