Hyderabad: The lockdown has put India’s animals in extreme distress. South India’s Cow Shelter, Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas (SSSG), that shelters 5500 cows, located at Gaganpahad, on the way to Shamshabad Airport needs help to feed the cows. And cows at SSSG are no exception. Many cows are going hungry.
The livestock (Cows) sheltered is not getting adequate feed because of the lockdown. No governments have time for hungry cows.
SSSG founder Dharam Raj Ranks informed that due to Lockdown and it’s impact, the voluntary contributions based on which shelter is being run for the past 25 years is drained out resources.
The 77 years old Dharam Raj Ranka, a Jeweller turned one-man army and dedicated his life for cows and wants people to come forward contribute towards maintenance. SSSG appeals for generous contributions.
These beasts are fed three times a day which comprises of Green Grass cut into small pieces mixed with Kutti and other ingredients. Five feeding sheds are arranged for their Feeding. A Green Grass Cutting Machine is put in place, said Dharam Raj.
What Lockdown is doing to cows is disturbing. Under this continued lockdown, it has become beyond the means for Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas to maintain, Raj added.