Loans to more than 3.57 lakh cart pullers in Telangana

Hyderabad: The Telangana state-level bankers committee confirmed in its meeting that the bankers have completed the “Swandhi” loan scheme target fixed by the Chief Minister for granting loans to cart pullers in Telangana.

A total of 3,57,290 cart pullers in Telangana out of the total applications of 4,07,576 were given loans under the scheme.  

According to the bankers’ committee, the bankers were given the target of granting loans to 3.40 lakh cart pullers in Telangana and they achieved the target at 101%.

The share of the loan granted by the State Bank of India is 41.62% while the Union Bank of India contributed 25.03%.

Those who attended the state-level bankers’ committee meeting were Sanjay Kumar additional secretary, Ministry of housing Government of India, Mrs. Amit Jangran chief general manager of State Bank of India, and President of state-level bankers committee, Dr. N Satyanarayan, Mrs. Shruti Ojha, Mrs. Krishna Sharma and higher officials of other banks.