Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has urged the Hyderabad voters to link their Adhaar Cards with their Voter Card. On Monday, Election Commission officer Bhanvarlal met the Chief Minister and discussed on the linking of Adhaar Card with the Voter Card.
Speaking on this occasion, KCR said the vote will not be utilized without linking of Adhaar Card to Voter Card. He said there was a danger with the bogus cards. The bogus cards will influence the State politics and it was not good for the democratic system, he opined.
Urging the political parties to extend coordination to the Adhaar Card linking with the Voter Card, KCR directed the officials to remove the names of the Voters, who failed to link the Adhaar Card with Voter Card, from the voter list. He also asked the officials to give publicity to the issue in a big way. He also asked officials to see that the list of voters should be the same in general elections and local bodies’ elections. The Adhaar Card linking with the Voter Card should be completed first in Hyderabad and it should be implemented across the State. The Chief Minister made it clear that the government will complete the Adhaar linking with Voter Card within 20 days. (NSS)