Health Minister Dr C Lakshma Reddy today said that Gandhi Hospital will get modern facilities, including latest equipment and machinery to provide improved health services. Limbs replacement and super specialty operations and other important treatments should be conducted besides providing all sorts of treatments at Gandhi Hospital, he said.
The minister directed the officials to take immediate steps in this regard. The Minister conducted a review meeting at Indian Institute of Health and Family Welfare at Vengalarao Nagar here. With a focus on basic amenities, hygienic conditions super specialty services and use of latest equipment will be in place at Gandhi Hospital he said. The government is committed to provide complete health facilities and the officials should take urgent steps to provide them. Prepare to set up super specialty operation theaters, Conclear, kidney, heart, liver, knee replacement and other limbs replacement should be done at Gandhi Hospital, the minister said.
The hospital was offering better services with 60 bed capacity and should conduct tests for diagnosing all diseases, Lakshma Reddy said. He asked the superintendent and officials take permission from principal secretary to use revolving funds to modernize and repair buildings, improve hygienic conditions, sanitation, patient attendants and security. He also asked the officials to take steps in Osmania Hospital which gets more patients and improve sanitation and hygienic conditions with immediate effect.
Osmania Superintendent Dr Nagender, Gandhi Hospitals superintendent Dr Sravan, Arogyasri CEO and NIMS Director Dr Manohar and others were present. (NSS)