Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Thursday said that a time has come when no liberal, secular or open-minded person is safe. The court observed that the rising incidence of crime and rapes has brought ‘disrepute’ to the country. The division bench of Justice Satyaranjan Dharmadhikari and Justice Bharati Dangre made these remarks during the hearing of the murder cases of Narendra Dabholkar and Govind Pansare.
Embarrassing both the CBI and the Special Investigation Team the judges noted that the agencies have failed miserably in bringing the absconding accused to book. The judges further noted that despite adopting several techniques and field probe the agencies have reached a dead-end.
The free press journal has quoted Justice Dharmadhikari as saying, “We feel sorry to observe that India is today at a juncture where one gets the impression that no one is safe. There are reports of crimes and rapes day in and day out and this fact is tarnishing the country’s image in international fora.” “There is a feeling that no one is safe, especially liberals, the secular individuals, like-minded and open-minded persons. Such people are being harassed, attacked and killed. If the trend continues, the nation will suffer on the social front as no one from abroad would participate in a cultural or educational setup here. No one would interact with our country and this would obviously make a huge impact on us.”