New Delhi: LG said its V20 device, successor to the V10 that went on sale in October last year, will be the first product to run on Google’s latest version of its Android mobile operating system called Nougat at launch.
The company said last week the launch of new products, including a successor to the V10, will help its performance improve in the third quarter. The firm has two main premium phone series and its G5 phone, launched in March, has had weaker-than-expected sales following initial production difficulties.
As a result, the South Korean firm’s mobile business reported its fifth straight quarter of operating loss for April-June. With Android 7.0 Nougat coming first to LG V20, the South Korean company can pitch the device to more audience but it is unclear whether the device will come with company’s own UX on top of it. It is also unlikely that V20 will launch in India considering the fact that LG never made V10 available to Indian customers.