New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday said its party MLAs were arrested on fake or trumped-up charges and alleged that Lt Governor Anil Baijal instead of questioning police on such cases was asking for police report on court acquittals and orders.
In order to buttress his claim, AAP Chief spokesperson Saurabh Bharadwaj showed a letter dated May 9 purportedly written to the Delhi Police Commissioner by the Lieutenant Governor’s office, wherein Special Secretary R.N. Sharma wrote that the LG wants a report on the “lacklustre” police investigations.
“The police is trying to defame and humiliate our MLAs. The courts, on the other hand, have acquitted our MLAs and warned police not to get involved in politically motivated cases. I had a feeling that the LG will write to police, seeking a report on why the AAP MLAs are being dragged into fake cases,” Bharadwaj told the media here.
“Instead, he wrote to the Police Commissioner, seeking a report within a week on how the MLAs are being acquitted. He has a special problem with Amanatullah Khan, and asked how he got acquitted in a 2010 case,” the AAP leader added.
In the letter, Sharma wrote: “… the Lt Governor has desired that the matter may be looked into and a report along with the court order be sent, within a week, to this Secretariat with respect to the investigation, trial etc, especially with reference to the trial court regarding lacklustre choreographed chargesheet after a prolonged time of more than five years….”
Bharadwaj said Baijal had also shown a special interest in Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Kailash Gehlot, Naresh Baliyan, and Manoj Kumar. “It is very shameful of him.”