Minister Jogu Ramanna today criticized the Opposition leaders for their persistent remarks against Telangana Government. Talking to reporters at Adilabad the minister threw a challenge for an open debate on development being done in Telangana State. The Congress leaders like MP V Hanumanth Rao and party Telangana Chief Utham Kumar Reddy are resorting to make useless comments on the government. They must stop meaningless criticism and instead come up with some suggestions for the welfare he suggested. The Government reacted well in advance even before began the bad campaign on viral fevers, he said. He claimed that the government could contain the spread of viral and contagious fevers in agency areas and other districts.
Besides pressing in teams of doctors door to door for the purpose, we have adopted five mandals and set up camps for continuous surveillance. The opposition should stop mud slinging on the government the minister suggested. We are committed for the welfare of the people and development of the state Ramanna added. (NSS)