MUMBAI: Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Smriti Irani on Saturday took a dig at Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, saying let the “bechara” (poor thing) first become party chief, and dismissed his becoming the country’s leader.
During the rapid fire round at the conference – ‘We The Women’ on Saturday here, Irani was asked who is the most overrated politician.
Without referring to Gandhi, who is set to become Congress chief this week, she said dismissively: “Bechare ko abhi President to banne do (let the poor thing become the party President first). Let him become the President of his own party. I am not even talking about the country.”
TV and film producer Ekta Kapoor was asked the same question. She refused to comment on it, and went on to ask filmmaker Karan Johar, “Don’t you think there is so much nepotism in politics?”
Both Karan and Irani said: “Yes, we agree.”
Adding to it, Karan, who had stirred up a row for raising the issue of nepotism at an award function, said: “As filmy as it sounds, ‘Bhagwan ke liye mujhe chod do’ (For the God’s sake, please leave me).”