Less than 10% Telangana govt schools have internet, national avg at 24.16%

Hyderabad: Telangana has ranked amongst the lowest among states, on the list of the number of working government schools with internet facilities in their curriculums.

Only 9.23 percent of govt schools in Telangana have internet facilities which is way below the national average of 24.16 percent, conveyed the annexure released in the Parliament.

That accounts for 2772 out of 30023 government schools in the state that have been provided with and are using web facilities within their campus.

Stressing the necessity of providing internet facilities in government schools all over the nation, the minister of state for education Subhas Sarkar informed the Lok Sabha on Monday that only two lakh schools of the total ten lakh schools in India avail internet.

New Delhi stands afoot with the total number of government schools in it (2,762) using the internet to fetch educational purposes.

Pudducherry and Chattisgarh fall next in line with all of their government schools equipped with web technology.

Analysing the South of the nation, Karnataka recorded the lowest number of its total number of government schools (5,308 out of 49,679) with web facilities, followed by Tamil Nadu (9,292 out of 37,636) and Andhra Pradesh (20,313 out of 45,137).

While 20313 out of 45137 government schools in Andhra Pradesh have internet facilities.

Among the states faring poorly are Uttar Pradesh (12,074 out of 137,024), Madhya Pradesh (16,469 out of 92,695) and Bihar (4,421 out of 75,558) government schools have been provided with internet facilities.

The Union education minister further said in the Parliament that an advisory has been issued by the department of school education and literacy to all the states and Union Territories to sign an agreement with BSNL and provide FTTH Internet connection to all the government schools.