Nestle India has been slapped a fine of Rs. 45 lakh by the district administration of Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, after its popular noodles brand Maggi allegedly failed to pass the lab test. A fine of Rs 15 lakh has also been imposed on its three distributors and Rs 11 lakh on its two sellers.
The samples were collected in November 2016, by the district authorities and were sent for lab test. After the test it was found that the ash content was above the permissible limits of human consumption.
As reported by Business Standard, Nestle India said it has not received the order yet and would file an appeal urgently once it receives the order. Its spokesperson feels that it appears to be a case of application of incorrect standards.
It must be recalled that FSSAI had banned Maggi in June 2015 for allegedly containing lead beyond permissible limits, forcing Nestle India to withdraw the product from the market. However following legal battles, it was back in the market in November 2015.