New Delhi: Domestic manufacturer LAVA International on Thursday launched a new smartphone “Lava Z60s” at Rs 4,949.
The 5-inch HD device — a successor of Z60 — is powered by 1.5 GHz quad core processor coupled with 1GB RAM and 16GB internal storage. It runs Android 8.1 Oreo (Go Edition) and houses 2500mAh battery.
“Our go-to-market strategy is aligned with creating value for our customers through improvisation based on constant customer feedback, our ‘Z60s’ is a true testimony to that,” Gaurav Nigam, Head-Product, Lava International, said in a statement.
“Z60s” is equipped with 5MP auto-focus rear camera and 5MP front camera — both enabled with “Bokeh Mode” and flash.
The company has also partnered with Reliance Jio for special cash back offers on its complete range of 4G smartphones.