Latest Jihad Plot Shows Need to Know Koran

Washington, September 25: The still-unfolding New York/Colorado jihad terror plot including an Islamic imam and of a Muslim who says he downloaded bomb-making materials by mistake while downloading a “religious text” focuses our attention again on the role of Islam and the Koran in inciting Muslims to commit acts of violence and terror.

Since September 11, 2001, this is the single aspect of the terror threat that government and law enforcement analysts, as well as the mainstream media, have consistently ignored, downplayed, denied outright and misunderstood. And this lack of understanding of the motives and goals of those who would destroy us remains our chief handicap in formulating a truly effective response to the global jihad threat.

Ask an Islamic jihadist why he is doing what he is doing, and he invariably makes reference to Koranic imperatives. Muslims who believe the Koran commands them to make war against and subjugate Infidels comprise a global movement, active from Indonesia to Nigeria and extending into Europe and North America.

In March 2009, five Muslims accused of helping plot the September 11 attacks, including the notorious Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, wrote an “Islamic Response to the Government’s Nine Accusations.” In it they quote the Koran to justify their jihad war against the American Infidels. “In God’s book,” asserts the letter, “he ordered us to fight you everywhere we find you, even if you were inside the holiest of all holy cities, The Mosque in Mecca, and the holy city of Mecca, and even during sacred months. In God’s book, verse 9 [actually verse 5], Al-Tawbah [the Koran’s 9th chapter]: Then fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, and besiege them and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush.”

Osama bin Laden’s communiqués have also quoted the Koran copiously. In his “Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places,” he quotes seven Koran verses: 3:145; 47:4-6; 2:154; 9:14; 47:19; 8:72; and the notorious “Verse of the Sword,” 9:5. In a sermon broadcast in 2003, bin Laden rejoiced in a Koranic exhortation to violence as being a means to establish the truth: “Praise be to Allah who revealed the verse of the Sword to his servant and messenger [the Islamic Prophet Muhammad], in order to establish truth and abolish falsehood.” The “Verse of the Sword” is Koran 9:5, the one quoted above about slaying the pagans.

It is extremely rare if not impossible to find a jihadist who does not cite the Koran to justify his actions. One pro-Osama website put it this way: “The truth is that a Muslim who reads the Koran with devotion is determined to reach the battlefield in order to attain the reality of Jihad. It is solely for this reason that the Kufaar [unbelievers] conspire to keep the Muslims far away from understanding the Koran, knowing that Muslims who understand the Koran will not distance themselves from Jihad.”

Yet a huge number of policy decisions are predicated upon the assumption that the Koran teaches peace. These include U.S. government postures toward Pakistan and Egypt; immigration matters; airport security procedures; military strategies in Iraq and Afghanistan; domestic anti-terror policies; and our acquiescence to Saudi Arabia’s Islamic proselytizing campaign in America and many other countries.

Most government and media analysts dare not even question the assumption that the Koran is peaceful, for they believe that any insinuation to the contrary is racist, bigoted, and effectively brands all Muslims as terrorists. They simply assume the Koran teaches peace without bothering to study the text, an act which might raise some uncomfortable questions.

But those whom the Koran asserts are Infidels need to know what the Koran is saying about them and what must be done about them, because Muslims around the world today are acting upon these teachings. It’s a simple matter of knowing who those who have vowed to destroy us think they are, and what they think they’re doing, and what they hope to accomplish. They themselves tell us the answers to these questions are found in the Koran.
