LastPass adds security check scan to scour sites for ‘Heartbleed’ bug

Password manager LastPass has reportedly added a bug vulnerability scan to its site security check in order to detect the most dangerous bug “Heartbleed” plaguing the Web world.

LastPass’s Security Check warns Web users when they need to change their passwords and keeps them updated on which sites have updated their certificates.

According to Cnet, the feature update saves you the trouble of going to a Heartbleed site checker like the ones offered by LastPass or Qualys, and also provides clear instruction to LastPass users on which of their sites are safe and which have to be updated.

The Security Check, which is open to both existing and new users of LastPass’ password management system, lets users know whether the site has been updated and then provides a link to a site to help them update their password for the site, the report added. (ANI)