Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today directed the officials concerned to conduct a comprehensive land survey with a thorough revamp and get the details online for transparency. At a high level meeting at Pragathi Bhavan, the chief minister sought to conduct the land survey in such a way that there will be no room for disputes, focus on proper maintenance, transparent registration and simplified process and yet speedy disposal of issues. He instructed the officials for conducting the land survey in a perfect manner with minute details of all sorts of the lands in the state of Telangana and record online properly.
The CCLA is reportedly directed to speed up the process at districts and major towns in this regard. However the CCLA has no chief to head it so far and the government is learnt to have focusing on the issue to fill up the post soon. As it is the duty of the CCLA to monitor and guide the entire machinery from state level to the districts and rural areas, the government is to fill up this post very soon. In the wake of the recent announcement by the chief minister to offer Rs 8000 per acre towards crop investment to each farmer the meeting was held to take stock of the things. The Chief Minister who has asked recently the officials for a land survey to complete details of the lands across the state, has asked them to speed up the process.
To offer the amount of Rs 4000 each acre for two crops a year the government needs to get the proper details of the total land at all the districts, towns and villages. Based on the report to be submitted in about three months the government will take a decision to offer the crop investment and go ahead with other schemes of development. The land survey was reportedly first conducted before the independence and now the TRS dispensation wants to have complete details of the land and register them online. The Government has a wide ranging plan to distribute the land to the landless poor including Dalits and others.(NSS)