Land Acquisition for A.P. Capital starts today

Mr. N. Srikanth, Special Commissioner, Capital Region Development Authority of A.P. informed that the process of Acquisition of lands for the construction of the new capital of A.P. starts today. He told that the authority under the stewardship of CM will monitor the process of providing basic amenities and the construction work of the new capital. He was addressing the Revenue Officers yesterday. These officers have been given special training for acquiring lands from the farmers. He further told that the farmers have consented to give their lands to the Govt. they have given their consent letters along with the Xerox copies of ownership documents. For the purpose of acquisition of lands, Revenue Department has constituted 27 teams. Mr. Srikant clarified that the Govt. is not making an attempt to take the lands of the farmers forcibly. Earlier the Govt. of A.P. had planned to setup the new capital by acquiring 30000 acres of land at the southern side of Krishna River.

–Siasat News