Lamp that secretly tweets your conversation!

Next time you plan a private dinner with your beloved, check the lamp kept next to your table as it may be secretly listening in to your conversation and sending live tweets about whatever you say!

Developed by New York-based Kyle McDonald and Brian House, the Conversnitch lamp can covertly listen in on conversations and then post them on Twitter.

It captures audio and uploads it via the nearest Wi-Fi to a Twitter account.

The $100 (Rs.6,000) lamp includes a mini-computer, a microphone, an LED and a plastic flower pot.

The device screws into a standard bulb socket from where it also draws power.

The system can upload any secretly captured audio via the nearest open Wi-Fi network, a Daily Mail report said.

“Certainly, the next step from every government surveillance agency will be to move from collecting digital records to physical ones like this lamp,” MacDonald was quoted as saying.IANS