New Delhi, July 03: Following the failure of his astrologer’s advice, Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad, a staunch vegetarian for 12 years, has taken to eating meat with a vengeance.
Lalu’s astrologer had advised him, in the wake of his legal problems over the fodder scam, to turn vegetarian as a panacea to his political and legal problems.
For over 12 years Lalu followed that advice in the belief that keeping meat off his table would act as a magic wand.
Lalu was not only a voracious meat-eater but also loved cooking for guests. His associates spoke of his weakness for fish. During the early days of chief ministership, and before the fodder scam, a fresh supply of fish used to arrive daily at his Anne Road residence in Patna.
Later, on he had a pond in his back garden to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fish.
But all that changed after his legal troubles. Though he continued to cook, when in the mood for close friends, he never touched non-vegetarian food. “I was advised to give up meat. So I gave up eating even fish for many years. When one is worried, one tends to listen to all advice,” said the irrepressible former railways minister.
Now he is not only tucking into non-vegetarian food with relish, but is back to inviting friends and associates for a meal. “Food is best enjoyed in the company of people who appreciate it and love to eat,” he said.