New Delhi: The Janata Dal (United) on Thursday said that if Rashtriya Jananta Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav and his daughter Misa Bharti are summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED), then they must appear and answer every question.
“If they are summoned, then they must appear before the ED and must answer all questions. There should be proceedings from both sides,” JD(U) leader Sharad Yadav told ANI.
Yesterday, the Income Tax Department issued summons to Bharti and her husband, in connection with its probe into a Rs. 1,000-crore alleged benami land deals and a tax evasion case.
The development followed the arrest of chartered acountant Rajesh Kumar Agrawal by the ED on May 22.
Agrawal is alleged to have aided in the llegal transactions involving Lalu’s kin.
The arrest came days after raids were conducted by the Income Tax department at 22 locations in Delhi, Gurugram on companies and people associated with Lalu.
As per sources, the raids were conducted on the charges of illegal (benami) land deals worth Rs. 1,000 crore. (ANI)