Patna (Bihar) : Taking potshots at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) following allegations that the counting for Rajya Sabha polls took place amid an unfair environment, Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav on Sunday said it is a matter of worry, adding such incidents ridicule the democracy.
“It is a matter of worry. The people have made a joke out of democracy. The BJP got benefitted uselessly in Jharkhand, while in Haryana they have crossed all limits. This matter needs introspection,” Lalu told the media here.
Alleging conspiracy in the counting of votes in the Rajya Sabha elections, former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda earlier said the matter should be probed, adding everything will come out if election petition is filed.
The Congress will approach the Election Commission to protest against alleged misuse of government machinery in the yesterday’s Rajya Sabha elections for two seats in Haryana.
Congress general secretary B.K. Hariprasad said they are consulting legal experts on the issue.
The Congress is alleging that there was deliberate fraud in the election by switching the pen meant for marking the votes so as to make the Congress votes invalid. The votes of 14 Congress MLAs were declared invalid. (ANI)