Rashtriya Janata Dal president Lalu Prasad Yadav on Thursday challenged Lok Janshakti Party chief Ram Vilas Paswan to declare Bharatiya Janata Party leader Shahnawaz Hussain as the NDA’s chief ministerial candidate in the upcoming assembly elections in Bihar.
“Ram Vilas Paswan ji has said that he wanted the chief minister of Bihar to be a Muslim and he was thwarted by me and [Janata Dal (United) leader] Nitish Kumar. But we are not on the same side, you [Paswan] are on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s side. Thus, I feel you must declare Shahnawaz Hussain as the chief ministerial candidate,” Lalu said at a rally in Patna.
On Tuesday, Paswan had said that his party will support the NDA’s Bihar chief ministerial candidate, adding that no person from the LJP shall be in the running for the top post in the state.
The Bihar assembly elections are scheduled to be held later this year. (ANI)