Raghopur (Bihar): Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav on Sunday dared Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat to end the reservation policy, after the latter had recently advocated setting up an apolitical committee to review reservation.
Addressing a rally in Bihar’s Raghopur, Lalu further slammed Bhagwat’s remark on reservation, saying that it has exposed the right-wing organisation’s true face, as they believe in raising their flag instead of the tricolour.
“RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat suggested to end the reservation policy. I am saying, if he has strength in his moustache, then he should go ahead with it. Scrap them if you have the courage. Is he trying to wake the people, who are sleeping? He (Mohan Bhagwat) does not want to raise the tricolour of India but the flag of RSS,” Lalu said.
Bhagwat in the latest issue of the RSS’s mouthpiece Panchajanya had suggested a ‘review’ of the reservation policy as it was being used to meet ‘political ends.’ He had advocated setting up an apolitical committee to find out who needed reservation and for how long.