Hyderabad: AICC leader In-charge of Telangana Affairs RC Kuntia on Saturday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao were trading charges against each other and revealing their zodiac to the world. He said while the PM was calling KCR as firm believer of astrology, KCR was terming the recent surgical air strikes as fake. He alleged that both Modi and KCR were “thieves” while the Congress was the saviour of the country.
Addressing mediapersons here today, Kuntia alleged that KCR had always supported Prime Minister Modi and BJP whenever the latter required the former’s support. He said it has become adequately clear now that the Congress party would return to power and make its president Rahul Gandhi as Prime Minister. He said the Congress would pay Rs 72,000 per annum to over five crore poor families in the country after returning to power.
Meanwhile, All India Muslim League president Ghani has alleged that the attacks on Muslims had increased after the BJP came to power at the Centre. He also alleged that the Centre’s interference in independent democratic institutions like Election Commission, RBI also increased under the BJP rule. He reminded that for the first time in the country’s history, four judges of Supreme Court had openly stated that democracy in the country was in danger.