New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Minister and JD-S leader H.D. Kumaraswamy on Thursday said he would welcome any move to form a front of opposition parties to offer an alternative to the BJP for the general elections in 2019.
“If senior leaders in the country take initiative to unite the Opposition, we will welcome it,” Kumaraswamy told reporters here.
On Tuesday, Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar had said he would negotiate with opposition parties, including regional groups, to form an anti-BJP front.
Kumaraswamy also met Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Thursday to apprise him of the measures taken by his government for the flood victims in the state.
“It was a courtesy call. I conveyed my regards to him (Gandhi) as my government completed 100 days today. We also informed him about the measures we have taken in flood relief efforts,” he said.